MNP offers full-time and part-time care. (Part-time care is offered after child turns two years old.) Tuition is due on a monthly basis and is paid through a program called Blackbaud. Full tuition is due whether or not your child is absent. This includes holidays, sick days, and emergency (unexpected) school closures. Thirty (30) days' written notice is required when withdrawing from MNP. If a family withdraws a child and then chooses to have child return to MNP, another registration fee will apply and child may return on a space-available basis, pending waiting list.
Monthly Tuition & Fee Schedule 2024-2025
INFANTS/TODDLERS - 6 weeks - 24 months (full time only)
Five Full Days per Week $1600
PRESCHOOL - 2-5 years old (Full DaY
5 days per week (M-F) $1280
3 days per week (M-W-F) $875
2 days per week (T-TH) $675
Extra Days: Half-Day - $50 Full Day - $60
New Student Registration (nonrefundable)
$100 One child
$160 Two children (enrolling simultaneously)
$220 Three children (enrolling simultaneously)
LUNCH BUNCH (monthly)
5 days per week $80.00
3 days per week (M-W-F) $48.00
2 days per week (T-Th) $32.00
Sibling Discount - 10% for oldest child**
Active Military Discount - 10%**
**Discounts may not be combined
Please note:
- If child moves to a new class mid-month, the new tuition rate will take effect the following month.
- Thirty (30) days' written notice (or payment in lieu of notice) is required when withdrawing from MNP.